Venue & Program 2016
The screening 2016 is going to take place in Lausanne, on 10 December 2016. Click here to download PDF version of the programme.
First Session – 17.00 – 19.10
*Agrinoui (Animation), Dir: Alexis Chaviaras, Cyprus,
*Cuerdas (Animation), Dir: Pedro Solís García, Spain
Peak Phosphorus (Animation), Dir: Michael Mehring, Switzerland
Shell (Animation), Dir: Daniel Ahrens, Germany
The Safe, Dir: Pedro Paulo de Andrade, Brazil
Home, Dir: Thanika Jenjesda, United States
About Arif, Dir: Hasan Kalender, Turkey
The Guest, Dir: Federico Olivetti, Italy
Quelle vie!, Dir: Joakim Scheidegger, Switzerland
On a Wire, Dir: Nicolas Lugli, France
Second Session – 19.30 – 21.20
*The Grouper Mystery (Doc), Dir: Gil Kébaïli, France
*Alegria (Doc), Dir: Christoph von Toggenburg, Switzerland
*#GoodByeBoobs (Doc), Dir: Yemi Sawyer, United Kingdom
*Dirty Games (Doc), Dir: Benjamin Best, Germany
’til Death, Dir: Adi Alfa & Eric Myers, United Kingdom
Save, Dir: Iván Sáinz-Pardo, Germany
Sleeping Death, Dir: David Casademunt, Spain
The Night of All Things, Dir: Pilar Palomero, Spain
The Weekend, Dir: Dennis Cahlo, United States
Yolk, Dir: Nedu Kay, United Kingdom
Young Blood, Dir: Aguendia Fotabong, France
Third Session – 21.40 – 23.50
The Imperfect Cradle, Dir: Mário Ventura, Portugal
Jasmin, Dir: Silvio Buchmeier, Switzerland
Moonlight Sonata, Dir: Anna Mironova, Russia
The Kidnapping of a Fish, Dir: Philip A. Ramos, United States
Lost Exile, Dir: Fisnik Maxhuni, Switerland
Mousse, Dir: John Hellberg, Sweden
Award Ceremony – 23.50 – 00.10
The winners are announced!
* We will screen only a 5 minutes excerpt.