Official Selection – Summer (2) 2016


Best Film

Drawn Together, Dir: Victoria Howel,  United Kingdom
Memory Hospital, Dir: Pedro Paulo de Andrade,  Brazil
My Father Says The Stupidest Things, Dir: Shahriar Shandiz,  Iran
See Necessarily True, Dir: Jiang, Rurl-Yang, Taiwan
The Inquiry, Dir: Julien Cornwall,  United Kingdom

Best  Director

Eat Me, Dir: Ilına Perianova,  Bulgaria
Last Wall, Dir: Haider Aljezairi,  Netherlands
Yolk, Dir: Nedu Kay,  United Kingdom
The Light Thief, Dir: Eva Dauad,  Spain
Rachel, Dir: Karen Anstee,  United Kingdom

Best  Screenplay

Suicide, Dir: Molly Ratermann,  United States
The Red Laces, Dir: Simone Valentini,  Italy
Praxis, Dir: Chiu I Jen,  Taiwan
Emergency Call, Dir: Raphael Biss,  France
Digital Wanderlund, Dir: Anniki Lee,  Germany

Best  Editing / Photography

Wanderlust, Dir: Barnaby Boulton,  United Kingdom
Condolences, Dir: Karen Veninga-Zaricor,  United Kingdom
Rachel, Dir: Karen Anstee,  United Kingdom
Intrinsic Moral Evil, Dir: Harm Weistra,  Netherlands
Fringes, Dir: Michele Tataranni,  Italy

Best  Actress

Hanna Sleszynska in  Pollution of The Heart, Dir: Oliwia Siemienzcuk,  United Kingdom
Mark Pressdee in The Final Scene, Dir: Pressdee,  United Kingdom
Molly Retermann in Suicide, Dir: Molly Retermann,  United States
Elizabeth Venezia in  Condolences, Dir: Karen Veninga-Zaricor,  United Kingdom
TBA  in Dark Area. Daily Evil Chronicles, Dir: Arseniy Gonchukov,  Russia

Best  Actor

Térence Carron in Quelle Vie, Dir: Joakim Scheidegger,  Switzerland
Joan Ferré Gomez in Intrinsic Moral Evil, Dir: Harm WeistraNetherlands
Nicholas Podany in The Ballerina, Her Shoemaker and His Apprentice, Dir: Eva Ye,  United States
Tim Licata in The Strange Fate of Eli Jesus, Dir: Ruben Vick,  United Kingdom
Gregory Pekar in  Caposhi Pop, Dir: Matheus Ronn Leite, United States

Best  Documentary

The Cultural Journey to Timbuktu, Dir: Marco Romano,  Mali
Kayayo, The Living Shopping Baskets, Dir: Mari Bakke Riise,  Norway
The Puppetteers, Dir: Ajid Nag,  India
Hummus, Dir: Oren Rosenfeld,  Israel
Break the Break, Dir: Shi Wei Han,  Taiwan

Best  Animation

Peak Phosphorus, Dir: Michael Mehring,  Switzerland
Duck Soup, Dir: Sara Walshe,  Canada
Tempo, Dir: Arjan Brentjes,  Netherlands
To Monster, Dir: Hsu Ling Chi,  Taiwan
Belicus, Dir: Ador,  France

Special Mentions

Divine Shadow, Dir: Greg Sommers-Herivel,  United States
Drifter, Dir: Olivia Lindgren,  Canada
Sodanight, Dir: Long Wai I,  Taiwan
The World In My Dreams, Dir: Anusha Srinivasan Iyer,  India
Alchemy, Dir:  Brandon Polanco, United States
Trapped, Dir: Andis Cildermanis,  United Kingdom
Burn in Hell, Dir:  Jarno Vinsencius, Sweden
The Dark Kingdom, Dir: Sarah Brau-Mouret,  France
The Puppet Master, Dir: Ekaterina Golubeva-Poldi, Russia
Overcome, Dir: Oxana Morasch,  Germany


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